02 January 2006


Kids' Rules for Online Safety

(Click here to read about "Kids' Rules for Online Safety".)

01 January 2006


Welcome to the 2006 school year!

Welcome to a new school year!

We shall use the pages of the Virtual NoticeBoard to put up notices about what is happening in class. Please visit often and feel free to leave your comments or send me an email.

Miss Christine Tan


Using the blog tool for Virtual NoticeBoard

Some tech terms

A blog is the shortened form of weblog. "Weblog" is made up of the two words "web" and "log".

An entry in the Virtual NoticeBoard is usually made up of the following components:

(Click on the above underlined words for more information.)

Rationale behind Virtual NoticeBoard

In the case of the Virtual NoticeBoard, it serves as a class online publication to provide dated entries in reverse chronological order (most recent first) about what is happening in class. In short, it functions as an online journal. Information, thoughts and feelings would be conveyed via this platform. Visitors are welcomed to post feedback and comments.



To post a comment to the entry, click on the "0 comments" or "Post a Comment" at the bottom of the post.

A comment window will pop up. Type your comment in the box provided.

Choose your identity as "Others".

Type your name.

Click on the button "Preview". Check your comment for spelling and grammar errors before publishing.

Click on the button "Publish Your Comment".



If you want to read the full, individual article of a certain post, click "Permalink" at the bottom of the post.

To go back to the homepage of Virtual NoticeBoard (2006), click on the links provided in the sidebar.